Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded: "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (= German Idol) Final // Saturday Night Clubbing

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (= German Idol) Final // Saturday Night Clubbing

Happy Saturday!
I had an awesome day - well besides the fact I forgot to turn off the alarm clock yesterday so at 7am it made me wake up.... And i was like "Shit, I have to go to work!" So all this being shocked and stuff didn´t really help calming down and going back to sleep after I found out it´s saturday and I could have slept in.
Good thing: I work at a gym, part time. So I DO have a key for it ;o). We usually open at 10am on weekends but I decided to go ahead, use my key and work out when nobody else is in there. It was fun! And since it was a unbelievable sunny and warm day in Trier today, I picked up my Rollerblades when I finished my workout and went for a skate down at the Mosel river. It was wonderful!!
Now it´s 8:15pm over here, I´m sitting on my couch and my body is freakin tired after all this workout!! :o))
I´m watching TV, trying to relax before I go out later to celebrate my best friend´s 30th eeeeeehm 19th birthday ;o)
And what´s on TV in germany tonight? The FINAL show of our version of "American Idol" = "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". I have to admit - I´ve watched the whole season. Even recorded it when I wasn´t at home on saturday nights. Ooops ;o))
And my fave Mehrzad is one of the two finalists! I hope he´s gonna win....

I can´t watch the whole show though cause I´ll go out later!! Woooohooo!
I decided to wear my new piece of the H&M Garden Collection for the first time.

Ok, gotta go!


  1. Love the outfit :)

    I was wondering if you would like to exchange links..Also, I followed u, would you please follow me back?


  2. in paris we don'y have this dress in blue only pink :(
    i have a giveaway on my blog come on see if you want !!

  3. Love the blueeeeee! cute dress too

    Kayleigh x

  4. YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Mehrzad made it! Woooohoooo!

  5. Wow! I love the outfit!..
    and I know you're feelin it too.. nice! ^_^

  6. I don't watch the German Idol, but I watch the french and english one and I love it ! I see how you must like the german one ;)

    XOXO, C.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni

"Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (= German Idol) Final // Saturday Night Clubbing

Happy Saturday!
I had an awesome day - well besides the fact I forgot to turn off the alarm clock yesterday so at 7am it made me wake up.... And i was like "Shit, I have to go to work!" So all this being shocked and stuff didn´t really help calming down and going back to sleep after I found out it´s saturday and I could have slept in.
Good thing: I work at a gym, part time. So I DO have a key for it ;o). We usually open at 10am on weekends but I decided to go ahead, use my key and work out when nobody else is in there. It was fun! And since it was a unbelievable sunny and warm day in Trier today, I picked up my Rollerblades when I finished my workout and went for a skate down at the Mosel river. It was wonderful!!
Now it´s 8:15pm over here, I´m sitting on my couch and my body is freakin tired after all this workout!! :o))
I´m watching TV, trying to relax before I go out later to celebrate my best friend´s 30th eeeeeehm 19th birthday ;o)
And what´s on TV in germany tonight? The FINAL show of our version of "American Idol" = "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". I have to admit - I´ve watched the whole season. Even recorded it when I wasn´t at home on saturday nights. Ooops ;o))
And my fave Mehrzad is one of the two finalists! I hope he´s gonna win....

I can´t watch the whole show though cause I´ll go out later!! Woooohooo!
I decided to wear my new piece of the H&M Garden Collection for the first time.

Ok, gotta go!


  1. Love the outfit :)

    I was wondering if you would like to exchange links..Also, I followed u, would you please follow me back?


  2. in paris we don'y have this dress in blue only pink :(
    i have a giveaway on my blog come on see if you want !!

  3. Love the blueeeeee! cute dress too

    Kayleigh x

  4. YAAAAAAAAAAAY! Mehrzad made it! Woooohoooo!

  5. Wow! I love the outfit!..
    and I know you're feelin it too.. nice! ^_^

  6. I don't watch the German Idol, but I watch the french and english one and I love it ! I see how you must like the german one ;)

    XOXO, C.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni