Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded: Getting ready for the "Altstadtfest"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Getting ready for the "Altstadtfest"

After a whole week feeling blah blah and just leaving the house for doctor appointments, I just decided to join my friend Tasha and go to the "Altstadtfest", a festival all over downtown Trier with bands, drinks, food and just fun :o)
Since I literally LIVE downtown, I actually should go there. Cause if I stay at home I guess the music and people outside will start bothering me after a while. So I´ll just go ahead and be part of it! Well, at least I´ll give it a try.
I hope y'all have a wonderful friday night!

shirt: pieces, purse: friis & company, shorts: topshop, boots: hallbuber, necklace: labyrinth


  1. That's a lovely look, I like the combination of mini skirts and boots!

  2. I'm totally digging the fringe here! Love it, and that top too!!! This is so chic! And I'm jealous of your awesome tan :D Hope your blahs go away soon. Have fun!!! <3

  3. i love ur outfit... especially the boots.. ~ and i have a bag that looks kinda like urs but its from zara

  4. i love this outfit especially the boots they look great :) thanks for sharing hun
    xo keep in touch

  5. Das hört sich ja sehr spannend an, hast bestimmt viel Spaß an deinem job...

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Aaaaaaah GOT!! jetzt weiß ich wer du bist! :D
    von stylefruits, richtig!? :D
    fette sache :)
    ja, cool. jetzt kann man auch so die sachen anschauen ;)
    peace, nicole


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni

Getting ready for the "Altstadtfest"

After a whole week feeling blah blah and just leaving the house for doctor appointments, I just decided to join my friend Tasha and go to the "Altstadtfest", a festival all over downtown Trier with bands, drinks, food and just fun :o)
Since I literally LIVE downtown, I actually should go there. Cause if I stay at home I guess the music and people outside will start bothering me after a while. So I´ll just go ahead and be part of it! Well, at least I´ll give it a try.
I hope y'all have a wonderful friday night!

shirt: pieces, purse: friis & company, shorts: topshop, boots: hallbuber, necklace: labyrinth


  1. That's a lovely look, I like the combination of mini skirts and boots!

  2. I'm totally digging the fringe here! Love it, and that top too!!! This is so chic! And I'm jealous of your awesome tan :D Hope your blahs go away soon. Have fun!!! <3

  3. i love ur outfit... especially the boots.. ~ and i have a bag that looks kinda like urs but its from zara

  4. i love this outfit especially the boots they look great :) thanks for sharing hun
    xo keep in touch

  5. Das hört sich ja sehr spannend an, hast bestimmt viel Spaß an deinem job...

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Aaaaaaah GOT!! jetzt weiß ich wer du bist! :D
    von stylefruits, richtig!? :D
    fette sache :)
    ja, cool. jetzt kann man auch so die sachen anschauen ;)
    peace, nicole


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni