Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded: Let the games begin! // London 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Let the games begin! // London 2012

I just finished this little piece of art aka t-shirt last minute!

We will have a feast (burritos, chicken wings, ice cold beer...) I can't wait for the opening ceremony to start!!

We are taking bets - who's gonna be the last one carrying the torch and lightening the Olympic fire? I say prince Harry! M says Prince William! Who do you think will have the honor to do it?

Olympics 2012 / London. I'm ready! Are you, too?

Don´t forget to enter my giveaway
Summer SALE for my ad space is still on :)


  1. Das little piece of art hättest du gerne auch für mich basteln können :) Supertoll. Und ich freue mich total auf die Spiele, war schon ganz begeistert von der Feier gestern - wobei ich in Sachen UK leider niemals objektiv bin. ;)

  2. Did you see the opening ceremony? I thought it was awesome!

    Visiting via Revkah's Hop :)

  3. I absolutely loved the opening ceremony, I think we're the only nation that can actually take the mickey out of ourselves and pull it off! Thank you for joining in on my Weekly Faves link up! Loves x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni

Let the games begin! // London 2012

I just finished this little piece of art aka t-shirt last minute!

We will have a feast (burritos, chicken wings, ice cold beer...) I can't wait for the opening ceremony to start!!

We are taking bets - who's gonna be the last one carrying the torch and lightening the Olympic fire? I say prince Harry! M says Prince William! Who do you think will have the honor to do it?

Olympics 2012 / London. I'm ready! Are you, too?

Don´t forget to enter my giveaway
Summer SALE for my ad space is still on :)


  1. Das little piece of art hättest du gerne auch für mich basteln können :) Supertoll. Und ich freue mich total auf die Spiele, war schon ganz begeistert von der Feier gestern - wobei ich in Sachen UK leider niemals objektiv bin. ;)

  2. Did you see the opening ceremony? I thought it was awesome!

    Visiting via Revkah's Hop :)

  3. I absolutely loved the opening ceremony, I think we're the only nation that can actually take the mickey out of ourselves and pull it off! Thank you for joining in on my Weekly Faves link up! Loves x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni