Shopping Queen is a reality show/styling documentary, hosted by the German fashion designer Guido Maria Kretschmer. Off topic: I love this man. As soon as I see him 10 seconds on TV, he makes my day. He is the funniest dude ever!
Ok, back to the show. Each week the Shopping Queen takes place in another city in Germany. All 5 participants are given one specific motto of the week, 500 Euro (approx. $565), and 4 hours of time to buy an outfit, accessories, and getting hair plus makeup done. Each day shows 1 candidate's shopping trip.
On Monday the 5 potential shopping queens of the week meet at the first candidate's house for the very first time. They get to know each other for a little, before they start watching a short video clip of Guido, telling them this week's motto.
Every day is one participant's day. They go shopping, while the 4 competitors are allowed to look at their homes, and especially closets.
At the end of each day the candidate of the day shows her/his look on the catwalk, while the other 4 participants have to evaluate on a scale from 0 to 10.
At the end of the week host Guido Maria Kretschmer evaluates each participant, and invites all 5 of them to his showroom in Berlin. The candidate with the highest overall rating will be the Shopping Queen of the week (and the city), and gets a cash prize of 1000 Euro or another prize, such as a Chanel bag worth 4000 Euros.
This week's motto is: "Style in every detail - show us your winter accessories!". I felt a little bit inspired by this, and put together a virtual look on Polyvore:
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