I really feel as if I got hit by some kind of Stockholm syndrome. I've had an appointment at the Genius Bar at the Apple Store today, and it took sooooo darn long... Like, we are talking hours. So I really ended up having a crush on every single male employee in there. Especially the one with the knuckle tats.
My MacBook had this weird thing going on, that the second you plugged something into the USB, it just shut down. Completely. And there was no way to turn it back on but to remove the back cover, unhook the battery, plug it back in, and it would start again. Thank you, YouTube, by the way.
It took a while, but I left with a working MacBook Pro again, plus they "cleaned it up" a little. Meaning it runs smoother and way quicker now. Hallelujah!
Besides the falling in love stuff, I was a little surprised though. None of the (at least) 15 Apple Store employees asked if they can help me when I walked in, obvioulsy carrying a MacBook. No one said "Welcome!" - nada. I walked in there and sat at the Genius Bar for at least 15 minutes waiting for the clock to hit 2:35pm (that's when I was scheduled), before someone FINALLY asked me what's up. Weird weird.
But the guys helping me and my Mac were super nice. So everything is ok. Kinda.
Still... you drop crazy amounts of money in these stores,
so you'd expect some kind of welcoming atmosphere. No?

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