Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded: Have you Talked to your Child today?

Friday, October 21, 2016

Have you Talked to your Child today?

I stumbled across this ad campaign today, while browsing through German news sites. It's initiated by an agency for addiction treatment in Germany. And what's pictured below is shockingly true, and I'm sure you can find this on every playground in the USA as well:

via // Lakost

The wording says: "Have you talked to your child today?" - and this is reality pictured on this poster/ad. Everyone keeps hating on teenagers, saying they are like zombies with cellphones in their hands 24/7. But honestly: some of the parents are no better. At all. I see it at our nursery here. They walk out, holding their child's hand in one, and the cellphone to post workouts on Instagram in the other hand.

Some daycares already banned smartphones on their premises. You can leave your phone in the car for the few minutes it takes to pick up your child.

I am pretty strict when it comes to cellphones around me anyway. Just ask my best friend. His phone kept going off. Notifications every 45 seconds... I was fed up at one point, and ever since then he's putting it on silent. I love that he respects and especially UNDERSTANDS my opinion. You and everyone around you don't need to get an alert every time someone farts on Facebook or posts his food on Instagram.

When you visit me and you are one of those "notification for everything" kind of person, make sure your phone is on vibrate or completely turned off. If you want to have your phone in your hand while talking to me, you can just go back home. Give me your attention. Restaurants? Leave it in your purse. Don't put it on the table. This is called interaction. Real life social life. And people being on their phone all. the. time. ticks. me. off.

This one right here goes especially to the parents though: Put that freaking phone down! Ask your child how his/her day was. Interact with your little ones. Play with them. And don't you DARE using your smartphone as a babysitter! (pet peeve right there)

Are you a "Zombie Parent" as well? Guilty? How do you handle the smartphone overload these days?

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  1. We see this all the time when we go out to eat. Everyone is glued to the phone and there is no conversation except the sharing of videos or texts on the phone. It drives us crazy! So glad you posted this!

  2. It's even harder to stop being on my phone when I know I have to update my blog/facebook/twitter every other social media! It isn't good enough and i know i need to sort myself out and make time for no phones!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni

Have you Talked to your Child today?

I stumbled across this ad campaign today, while browsing through German news sites. It's initiated by an agency for addiction treatment in Germany. And what's pictured below is shockingly true, and I'm sure you can find this on every playground in the USA as well:

via // Lakost

The wording says: "Have you talked to your child today?" - and this is reality pictured on this poster/ad. Everyone keeps hating on teenagers, saying they are like zombies with cellphones in their hands 24/7. But honestly: some of the parents are no better. At all. I see it at our nursery here. They walk out, holding their child's hand in one, and the cellphone to post workouts on Instagram in the other hand.

Some daycares already banned smartphones on their premises. You can leave your phone in the car for the few minutes it takes to pick up your child.

I am pretty strict when it comes to cellphones around me anyway. Just ask my best friend. His phone kept going off. Notifications every 45 seconds... I was fed up at one point, and ever since then he's putting it on silent. I love that he respects and especially UNDERSTANDS my opinion. You and everyone around you don't need to get an alert every time someone farts on Facebook or posts his food on Instagram.

When you visit me and you are one of those "notification for everything" kind of person, make sure your phone is on vibrate or completely turned off. If you want to have your phone in your hand while talking to me, you can just go back home. Give me your attention. Restaurants? Leave it in your purse. Don't put it on the table. This is called interaction. Real life social life. And people being on their phone all. the. time. ticks. me. off.

This one right here goes especially to the parents though: Put that freaking phone down! Ask your child how his/her day was. Interact with your little ones. Play with them. And don't you DARE using your smartphone as a babysitter! (pet peeve right there)

Are you a "Zombie Parent" as well? Guilty? How do you handle the smartphone overload these days?

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  1. We see this all the time when we go out to eat. Everyone is glued to the phone and there is no conversation except the sharing of videos or texts on the phone. It drives us crazy! So glad you posted this!

  2. It's even harder to stop being on my phone when I know I have to update my blog/facebook/twitter every other social media! It isn't good enough and i know i need to sort myself out and make time for no phones!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni