Grapefruitprincess ReLoaded: Anni, the explorer // 2 great Apps

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Anni, the explorer // 2 great Apps

I just got home from an awesome bike tour! I love my new bike more and more :)

Since I´m still not really used to this area (yep, even after almost 1.5 years) I was looking for some GPS Apps especially for bike tours. For the "fitness factor" to keep track of calories and stuff, I use "SportsTracker". It´s pretty cool, since it offers quiete a few different workouts, like running, cycling, walking...

As a GPS, I now use "komoot bike". I think it´s just available in Germany? But browse through your app store, maybe it´s available in your country as well!

I LOVE komoot! It works fantastic and so far every suggested round-trip was really good! People share their trips on there as well, so you can check out their routes, too.
I also feel much safer now, since I know my way home, no matter how lost I am, is just a few clicks away :oD "Route -> Current Position -> HOME"

Here are some impressions of the tour I took today :o)! Told you it was awesome!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni

Anni, the explorer // 2 great Apps

I just got home from an awesome bike tour! I love my new bike more and more :)

Since I´m still not really used to this area (yep, even after almost 1.5 years) I was looking for some GPS Apps especially for bike tours. For the "fitness factor" to keep track of calories and stuff, I use "SportsTracker". It´s pretty cool, since it offers quiete a few different workouts, like running, cycling, walking...

As a GPS, I now use "komoot bike". I think it´s just available in Germany? But browse through your app store, maybe it´s available in your country as well!

I LOVE komoot! It works fantastic and so far every suggested round-trip was really good! People share their trips on there as well, so you can check out their routes, too.
I also feel much safer now, since I know my way home, no matter how lost I am, is just a few clicks away :oD "Route -> Current Position -> HOME"

Here are some impressions of the tour I took today :o)! Told you it was awesome!

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. I love reading them all and will try my best to answer all of your questions. If you would like to contact me for a quicker response please feel free to tweet me at (@grfrprincess), message me on Instagram (@anni_s) or email me. ~Anni