The apartment in Fuerth is getting more and more empty... So this so called vacation is rather an escape.
I'm so sleepy right now. I had trouble falling asleep last night, and then the alarm went off at 7:30am. I keep trying to take a nap on the train, but since everyone around me is talking really loud, I can't. I've tried to read, but it's too loud for me to focus on my book. I'm about to open that can of Red Bull I have in my backpack. If I can't sleep, I'll try to be awake. Wide awake.
One of the reasons I didn't sleep last night was that I miss M and Coco like crazy right now. They left 2 weeks ago... We have been apart way longer before, but somehow this time the missing is worse. It might sound funny, but having Coco cat around made it easier for me to stay sane while M was in the states and I was in Germany. Now I'm all alone... Of course I still have my family and friends around here, but my own little family is miles and miles away. I can't wait to be on the plane soon!
Moving date is set to February 17th. After that I will have to take care of a few smaller things, and then I'm ready to go as well! Yay!
I hope you guys had an awesome weekend!
I have not taken a train ride, but that's something I would like to do at least once. I hope you get more sleep tonight!