That day I knew the News - Part 2: Working in a Drug Dealer's former Office
(again... innocent until proven guilty...)Last week this picture was on the front page in our local newspaper:
I'm from Europe as you guys probably still remember. So I'm still not used to all the guns around here. Underneath the picture it read:
"Drug Bust: ... Police Chief Billy W ... and ... County Sheriff Mike M ... reveal multiple firearms and over $100K in illegal drugs confiscated during a traffic stop of a couple north of ... City."
Wait a minute! "..stop of a COUPLE." ... like in 2 people. I was shocked. But didn't really think much about it. Honestly, I was just happy those guns were off the streets. Period.
The next day I go to work. This is a small town - around 19000 people live here. So gossip spreads QUICK! It didn't take long until the first member walks in, telling us the name of the couple. It was supposedly one of our ex coworkers and her husband. Gossip is gossip, so I didn't really believe it. But the next day, the mugshots appeared in the paper. And let me tell you this: I was shocked. It was her. But then again - not HER. Not the way she used to look like.
This lady used to work for us, then changed into another department within our foundation. She was beautiful, smart, funny, a mother, a wife, part of the community ... Then one day she disappeared, and I never really heard anything ever since then.
Obviously she got together with the wrong people, and started doing and selling - DEALING - meth. Big time. This mugshot shows a woman - well, you can tell it is her, but it is so very sad at the same time. We all know those graphics on the internet, showing people before, and a few months or years into meth abuse. Let me tell you this: Those pictures don't lie. It's sad.
I have no idea how someone can lose control over their life so bad. Jeopardizing your family, your job, your life. Her old office actually is my new office. And this whole story just makes me cringe...
Today I saw an update on this story. Now even the FBI is involved. Geez...
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